What is GoodDentistOrNot.com?
Patients helping other patients to find a dentist: This is the goal at the heart of GoodDentistOrNot.com. Our website provides a forum for consumers to review dentists and to read dentist reviews written by other consumers. Consumers can also share ideas (via messaging boards) and access resources about dental health (e.g. articles, dental glossary, dental news).
Is there any charge to read or write dentist reviews?
No. This service is free.
What geography do you cover?
Our directory currently lists all dental professionals practicing in Massachusetts (except for those who have requested to be removed from our database).
Why isn't my dentist listed?
Our intention is to list all dental professionals who practice in Massachusetts. A dentist may not be listed for two reasons: 1) The dentist is mistakenly not in our database - in which case, we encourage you to email us his or her contact information so we can make the correction. 2) The dentist has requested to be removed from our database, usually because he or she has received negative reviews from our users. We do not encourage patients to visit dentists who prefer not to be reviewed by their patients.
How can I rate dentists?
Consumers can rate dentists according to six criteria: Results, Affordability, Painless Treatment, Facilities, Service and Convenient Location. We also encourage consumers to elaborate on their rankings by writing brief reviews.
How do you determine an "overall" ranking for a dentist?
We compute the average score across all six criteria.
Can I review the same dentist multiple times?
No. You must provide your email address to review a dentist. We will not post multiple reviews of one dentist written by the same individual (based on email address and IP address). We do not share your email address with any other company.
Can I review multiple dentists?
Yes. We list a wide variety of general dentists as well as specialists, and we encourage you to share your thoughts on any dental professionals with whom you have personal experience.
Can I give a dentist a negative review?
Yes. However, GoodDentistOrNot.com will not post a review that includes offensive language and/or outrageous claims. We ask that you restrict your review to an assessment of the dentist's professional ability. We reserve the right to delete any postings that do not meet our Terms of Use.
Why didn't you post a review I wrote?
In addition to reviews that include offensive language and/or outrageous claims, we will not post:
- Multiple reviews of one dentist written by the same individual (based on email address and IP address)
- Reviews that promote a second dentist under another dentist's name
- Reviews that we determine are the product of spam or other automated posts
Why did you first post, but later remove, a review I wrote?
Dentists listed on GoodDentistOrNot.com have the right to protest negative reviews posted about their practice. If we decide the dentist has a valid complaint, according to our Terms of Use, we will remove the review.
Why do you need my email address before I can write a review?
You must provide a valid email address before we post your review. Two reasons: 1) We want to ensure you only write one review per dentist. 2) If a dentist protests a review written by you, we may try to contact you to determine the validity of your claims.
What is your privacy policy?
View our Privacy Policy.
What is the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule?
The HIPAA Privacy Rule "protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information, and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety."
How can I contact you?
You may This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with your questions.